desk from hell; organized chaos

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Tuesday, the evil non-day that is neither the middle of the week of the beginning. But today I am putting planet chores aside to tackle the desk from hell. It needs to be done and frankly it will just make me feel better. I would love to say that my desk rarely looks like this, that I am super organized and at the end of everyday it is clean and pristine ready for another day.

But I would be lying.

My world exists more in chaos. Organized chaos, I'll admit, because if you asked me to find a receipt from a purchase from two weeks ago you would have it in your hand in two shakes. But if outward appearances meant anything, my desk would make one of those helpful (but annoying) people from Organized Living run away in terror, bound for the nearest walk-in therapist.

But there is a point when the "organized" part of the organized chaos begins to get overtaken by the "chaos" threatening to unravel into sheer and utter chaos.

Time to tackle the mess.

Filing, tossing trash, putting stuff away, it is a great activity for the evil non-day that is tuesday. It will leave me with a sense of accomplishment and actual accomplishment.(yes those are two different things) Plus it will keep me from being engulfed by the emotion plucking day. And to boot, my desk might look like my dining room table.

Hey it might sound crazy, but it comes very close to fitting the classification for a spiritual discipline.


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This page contains a single entry by Blair published on September 19, 2006 9:00 AM.

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