a month for remembrance on the planet
In case you missed it...
Title Sets:
Coming up in May...
Welcome Sets
Four new sets of six images each. Title, subtitles, and backgrounds. plus widescreens
Baby Dedications
Set includes, Title, Subtitle, Backgrounds. plus widescreens.
Men’s Breakfast
Two new sets of four images each. Title, subtitle, image, and background.
Earth Day Set
Set includes, Title, Subtitle, Backgrounds, Sidebar.
Maybe you missed them when they hit the new category. If so, we have provided some easy links to get you last months stuff.
...plus 4 new PlanetPacks.
New sets with Verse, Images, and Backgrounds.
PlanetPacks and more!
Here’s what we created for you last month.
Cinco De Mayo, May 5
USA National Day of Prayer, May 7
Mother’s Day, May 10
Memorial Day, May 25
member newsletter may, 09
the churches’ source for original worship art, title graphics, backgrounds, and loops.
Announcement Sets, Mother’s Day
Photostock: Americana
Title Sets
Thanks for being a member!
Photo Collection: Space
25 files
Public domain images from Nasa, retouched and made screen ready just for you.
Artist Collection: Creation
4 files
God’s hand depicted in the act of creation.
Artist Collection: Trinity
20 files
Fine art painting by artist Blair Anderson. A visual metaphor of the Holy Trinity.