Two new sets of four images each plus widescreen. Title, subtitles, image, and backgrounds.
celebrate summer on the planet
In case you missed it...
Coming up in July...
The degrees of the cross depicted in this moving collection. new PlanetPacks
New sets with 5 files each, Verse, Images, and Backgrounds.
PlanetPacks and more!
Canada Day,
July 1
US Independence Day,
July 4
member newsletter july, 09
Maybe you missed them when they hit the new category. If so, we have provided some easy links to get you last months stuff.
Here’s what we created for you last month.
Title Sets
Title Sets:
A Shepherd a King
Baby Dedications 02
Photostock: Iron Sharpens Iron
Fine Art: Kissed By The Son
Five of the Parables of Jesus represented with Titles, Sidebars, and Backgrounds. More to come.
1920 x 1080
Thanks for being
a member!
the churches’ source for original worship art, title graphics, backgrounds, and loops.