Daniel is 23 today

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No way to say it other than...

I am so proud.

How many parents can claim that their 23 year old is gainfully employed, with their own place to live while following their creative pursuits.

Well, it has been a hard-working few years but effort has paid off.

Our son Daniel turns 23 today.

I couldn't be more proud in the adult he has become.

Real life on your own can be hard, character testing, and down-right soul wrenching, but it is so great to watch your child leave the nest on fragile wings, make an awkward attempt at flight, bump into some trees (and even the ground) only to catch the wind on his wing and finally take flight.

is there any better life trophy than that.

I don't think so.

You are doing great Daniel. Thanks for making me such a proud mom.

Tons of love on your 23rd.

So proud there aren't enough words...


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