April 2008 Archives
What fun to see so many friends come out for some champagne and a peek at the whole collection on white walls. What an honor to see people consider the themes that came from my heart when I painted each piece. The thing that meant the most was seeing people "get it".
Saturday before the "show", Bryan, Mom, Marta and I ran a few errands and stopped at the Amish market for lunch. One thing about where we live is the variety of variety. While driving you may run into what looks like suburbia on one block, and the next block will be a horse in a pasture. The Amish market functions only wed-sat in an old strip mall. Usually bustling with people, it serves some really good food really cheap. Here I catch the girls with their mouths full.
These arrived from a supplier today. Mom and Sis set to work boxing them while I designed the back of the box of the set. What fun to see the whole series in this form.
The original inspiration for the piece, "Sisterhood of Believers". When you put the three of us together good luck getting any words in. Both nuggets of wisdom and riffs of foolishness swirl around as we share the deep things that make up the lives of women. Of course when you come to our table there will be good food and wine to accompany the conversation and this was no exception. Bryan grilled a yummy london broil and I made one of my gorgonzola salads. What better way to share an evening with the two women that inspire me most.
Ok, I can finally check this one off of my Mondo Beyondo list of what... two years ago ;-) Barring something happening between now and sunday things look like they are shaping up. I had cards made of the collection and some arrived yesterday and some will come today. There was a neat sense of satisfaction seeing seven of the collection printed in this tiny format for sharing. And best of all bests was the surprise arrival of my mother and sister from arizona. They walked in the door at 5ish and the talking and laughing didn't stop until we realized it was one in the morning. Bryan managed to navigate around us getting only a few words in edgewise (what a guy). As I type this they are still sleeping, still on west coast's clock. It should be a very special couple of days. I am considering the fact that it is an artist date-day. Maybe I will put a brush in my mother's hand and see what happens.
8:30 am, starbucks in hand, the element is jammed full of my paintings(this time), off to set up the upcoming show of Dancing in Thin Places. A gallery within the tapas restaurant, Ranazul, will be the home of my babies for the next month.
9:30 am,set up was easy, although I have to admit Bryan pounded all the nails and hung the work, while I pretty much just decided where they would go, and hung the title cards and artist statement.
10:30 am, back at home for some final details, namely printing a title sign for the show with my name in letters that seem all too large to me, but I concede to Bryan who seems to think it is necessary. I am great about promoting other people's work, but a big sign with my name on it is a little tough for me.
12:00, back at the gallery to hang the sign and have some lunch(they have a yummy menu). Chad, the gallery director, comments on the work, how well "designed the show is", and seems overall...pretty pleased. And, he likes the sign.;-)
So we stay and have a fabulous lunch and a scandalous bottle of spanish red wine with our lunch as I watch a few folk already meandering in and out of the gallery viewing my work.
What a weird feeling.
A waitress comments to me about the work and mentions her favorite. The collection has been hanging for just a few hours.
Very weird feeling.
But with the final sips of a fine spanish red, I am relishing a moment that is a bit of a surprise. The actual reception is not until the 20th and that will be another day to celebrate. It is great to see the work on white walls, in a space that people may view it, and maybe...
they will be inspired.
In light of this show it was time to launch a proper artist site. Eventually it will have a functioning store option for the limited editions, but for now it gives a glimpse of the work in the show, and other stuff. Still, it is pretty cool. Thanks to Bryan for working his butt off to make it happen. Such a guy.
Check out my new art site here.
What do I have in common with...
med students,
web designers,
and trapeze artists?
a place called Blue House.
Today I was putting in my hours at this favorite free wi-fi cafe along with a very interesting cross section of baltimore's coffee drinkers. And I wasn't kidding about the trapeze artist... apparently there is a "trapeze school" somewhere in town... I couldn't help but overhear.
But the cross section is indicative of Mr. Florida's "creative class"... me included. As I look around I imagine what stories these people have, what they do for a living, and what are they working on right now.
Would they imagine the same of me?
I am working on stuff for the show while snacking on vegan chips and naked juice. I am finishing up all those details I mentioned yesterday, marveling that I can sit at a cafe and get work done. If this were ten years ago I would be scrambling to the printer, running around town, but now I can simply upload a file and have the materials I need delivered to my door in a couple of days. This is not only cost effective (can you say, gas prices?) but is great if you are a last minute type. Things that would take a few months to produce can be done in a week. I finished a portfolio book and am anxious to see how the printing turned out. Its wild.
It is also nice to get out of the house. I have realized again how much I need to do that on a regular basis. I have always loved working from home, but "home" can close in on you especially if you are constantly reminded of chores and projects that need tending at every turn. And the best perk coming up to Baltimore is lunch with Bryan.
So, today it is Blue House. Tomorrow, my house, that's the real circus.
Finally did it. New signed and numbered limited edition giclees of my thin place pieces. These four are framed in preparation for an upcoming show at Ranazul, a tapas restaurant with its own gallery. The next few days will be filled with pulling some last details together like title cards and artist statement, website, portfolio book, price list... ok, a lot of details. At any rate I am pleased that these things are finally going to get some wall time in a public space with white walls.