meager beginnings


I intro into monday feeling very encouraged about my experiences over the weekend. The painting project that I began on friday took on a life of it's own. As I sit here the canvas is 90 percent finishied but I won't "unveil" it yet. If I can control myself and be "at work" this week then maybe I will paint again on friday and it will be done this weekend. If I can't control myself, it maybe sooner. I honestly didn't think it would go that quick. The "houston, we have paint" image makes one think of huge olives(at least it did for me which made me laugh). Further developed it looks a bit different now (thankfully).

Once I got past the intimidation of the canvas it was easy. And at this point I am pleased. Not because I think it is great, but I can say it is totally me. Aside from being influenced in style by a russian artist named Arbe, this project has no strings attached to it. No shoulds or what ifs have been assigned to this thing and so it is pure expression of a concept that I have wanted to put into paint. How good it feels!


That's great! I can imagine how intimidating that blank canvas can be. I guess it's kind of like starting a fresh tune with my recording software. I'm at a place where I'm struggling with fixing minor details on some recordings and probably should get going on writing some more instead.

Thanks Bil! I too am guilty of obsessive tweaking in my digital work and it probably applies to the recording/writing discipline as well. (I'll ask my husband. He recently switched software programs for recording and is dealing with the learning curve). We will see how I fare at the end of this project.


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This page contains a single entry by Blair published on October 4, 2004 9:19 AM.

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