After roughly two years of pundits, politics, and more recently, joe the plummer, these are just a few words that I hope we won't be hearing after today...
over and over and over and over...
some of these words have even lost their meaning or taken on a different meaning in the process of the repetition...
Liberal, conservative, left, right, left-wing, right-wing, far-right, far-left, left-of-left, left, left, left... ayers, liddy, wright, keating, maverick, polls, bulldog, lipstick, hockey-mom, terrorist, palling-around, socialism, bradley-effect, maverick, maverick, mavERICK, MAVERICK, M-A-V-E-R-I-C-K...
intellectual-elite, redneck, liberal-media, conservative-media, MEDIA, M-E-D-I-A...
anti-american, pro-american,
red-states, blue-states, leaning-states, toss-up states, electorate, popular-vote,
Joe-the- plumber, Joe-the- plumber, Joe-the- plumber, JOE-THE-P-L-U-M-B-E-R
PAC, POW, ACORN, lobby, lobby, loBBY, LOBBY...
pork, pork, pork, PORK!
of course we will probably be gaining a whole new vocabulary starting this time tomorrow.
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