Time to pick out what to hang for that DC art bonanza known as Artomatic. This is a tough thing to do. I only have so much space and more work than wall. So, I have to choose what represents best which as far a themes go is my older stuff, but of course I want to hang the newest piece (even if it isn't finished ;-).
Of course looking at the work over and over again sent me into a very common emotional state...
"Its all crap".
If you do any kind of artwork and are not some sort of heartless atomaton you know exactly what I am talking about.
It isn't that you don't love your work...
or that you have self esteem issues.
It is just one of those things that happens to every one that has picked up an artist's brush to bare their soul. It leaves you a little vulnerable.
AND, for me my work is only as good as the last painting.
eeny, meeeny, miney...
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