monthly newsletters:
There is always something new happening on the planet. Keep up with what is coming up this month and what you may have missed last month.
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Bible Resources:
Online scripture resource, all translations, all languages
Online Bible aids, teaching tools, devotionals and other helpful resources.
Engaging Culture
A site to frustrate, educate and motivate the church to communicate with clarity, the truth of Jesus Christ.
“The intersection of faith and life.” A huge site with a variety of issues addressed, including articles on homeschooling, and movie reviews.
Leadership & Ministry:
Fostering church innovations and growth through strategies, programs, tools and resources to identify, connect and help high-capacity Christian leaders multiply their impact.
a few helpful links:
We list a few of our favorite online tools here as well as other resources that may be helpful.
Media Helps:
A site for tech volunteers written by tech volunteers and those that lead them.
A tutorial video cast that covers a variety of design issues. Worth a look for the free downloads alone!
Church Supplies
A source for communion supplies, candles, furniture and other religious necessities for the service. A family owned business for 40 years.
Baptismal supplies, candles, clergy clothing and seasonal items.